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Success for Harris Scrapyard & Oaks Farm, Southbourne

We are delighted to report that an appeal has been allowed for 103no. dwellings and a Children’s Nursery, on behalf of our client Metis Homes.

The appeal was heard by way of a Public Inquiry in July 2023 and a decision was issued on 18 September. Whilst the site is located in the countryside for planning purposes, the Inspector accepted our case that the very significant housing, social, economic and environmental benefits of this development outweighed the limited harm.

This was a real team effort. The work of our highly committed team was key to achieving a position of limited harm, which was crucial to the outcome of the appeal. Similarly, the presentation of evidence on key issues by expert witnesses was crucial - Steven Lecoq (Mayer Brown - Drainage), David West (Tetra Tech – Ecology), Mark Smith (Paul Basham Associates – Highways) and Patrick Barry (Planning – Nova Planning Limited). Last but by no means least, the work of our Counsel, Matthew Reed KC (Landmark Chambers), whose skilful management of our evidence resulted in a very compelling case.

The development will provide much needed housing in Chichester District and much needed childcare capacity in the Bourne catchment. However, it is the environmental benefits that we are most proud of. The proposal will remove an existing Breakers Yard use which lies adjacent to an ecologically sensitive Chalk Stream, replacing it with a generous Wildlife Corridor that will deliver 58% Biodiversity Net Gain and surface water drainage benefits to the wider area.

Again, planning has honestly been a positive agent of change here and we at Nova are delighted to have contributed to this change.

Further details of the appeal decision can be found at the link:

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